How LED Interlighting is Increasing the Yield of Cannabis?

The development of indoor gardening was a watershed for crop cultivation. Human beings transform the indoor environment to create a suitable growing environment for high-quality crop cultivation so as to reduce the threat coming from natural environment. This was the first profound change in the relationship between modern agriculture and the environment. The advent of indoor planting has opened up a wider range of advances, from intelligent control of the environment and the precise supply of nutrients to the elaborate customization of grow light. New advancements in technologies ranging from MH and HPS to LED grow light have completely transformed modern agriculture. Farmers now have access to tools that will help them get more yield of some crops with good economic benefits.

One of the ultimate goals of indoor planting is to provide the most comprehensive and accurate care, whether it is water, nutrients, temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide concentration, or lighting, to allow the plant to grow to its maximum potential. But So far, most of the grow lights on the market only have considered providing lighting at the top of a plants’ canopy, while few experts in indoor farming or manufacturers of grow lights have considered the illumination of the lower canopy of plants, especially for cannabis this leaf-rich crops. For this reason, Atop lighting have researched and developed LED interlighting to make up for the lighting of lower canopy of crops.(the lower canopy of cannabis )

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What is LED interlighting?

LED interlighting is a new concept presented in recent in the lighting for indoor gardening. It simply refers to the led grow light that can transverse throughout the middle position of some high-density plants, not on the top, to provide lighting for the lower canopy of crops without harming their leaves.

Although this technology is fairly new, it has been proved that there is an increasing yield of marijuana flowers when compared with the grow rooms without led interlighting in a cannabis cultivation experiment. More and more commercial marijuana growing companies adopt interlighting into their planting processes.

The primary goal of LED interlighting is to address the lacking of light in the lower canopy. The combination of top-lighting and interlighting make it really achieve the illumination equilibrium of whole crop from the top to the bottom. This is an auxiliary method to continue to increase the yield on the basis of the original yield. 

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Why LED interlighting can increase the cannabis yield ?

  • Ensure an overall healthy thrive of cannabis 

One thing we should all agree on is that full-grown plants are more productive than those whose growth is inhibited. Are the marijuana plants we see reaching its full growth state and the maximum harvest potential? The answer is no. Because the lower canopy doesn't get enough lighting to grow as vigorously as the top layer. As a result, the growing ,blooming and bearing fruits of this layer are all be in a restricted state. In the case of flowering plants such as cannabis, in that state, they either do not flower, or the flowers coming out are thin and not plump. Actually the lighting lacking of lower canopy have led to some losses on the yield of the crops. That is the reason we propose to install interlighting to solve this problem.

  • Remove the apical dominance of the main stem of cannabis 

It is common that the cannabis flowers at the top branches own the best quality and appearance and that of marginal flowers and lower canopy flowers are slightly worse. This is determined by the genetic characteristics of the plant itself. 

When only the top of cannabis canopy is bathed in the lighting of LED grow light or sunlight, or you only provideLED interlighting in the lower canopy of hemp,cannabis both will show a kind of apical dominance in these cases. That is to say , some important compounds also will be synthesized preferentially at the top to maintain vigorous growth and bloom. Even compounds synthesized in the lower canopy are preferentially transported to the top of the plant. Plants won't go against their nature.They prioritize the supply of compounds of the plant top.

Based on this, you can see that you can't just think about the lighting in the lower canopy, and you can't just think about the illumination at the top of the canopy as well. Only when the balance of illumination is maintained does the lower canopy not need to make sacrifices, and the lower canopy can grow and bloom normally. At this point, the production of marijuana will go up to another level.

LED grow light technologies with right spectrum have become more mature to meet different species of indoor growing crops while maintaining low energy consumption. LED interlighting, introduced in the last two years, is proved that can achieve a higher yield of crops. It is also one of the limiting factors of cannabis output that marijuana growers have been looking for .

Whether your cannabis strain has reached its full genetic potential depends on whether there are other growth constraints. Adding interlighting to drive your cannabis plants to their maximum harvest yields can make marijuana cultivation more profitable.

More info of cannabis LED interlighting, please feel free to contact us.


Disclaimer: This Content Is Intended For Educational Purposes Only. We Do Not Endorse Or Promote Illegal Activities Related To Cannabis.

103, Building B, No.3 Jian'an Road, Tangwei Community, Fuhai Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, China

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